Sunday 18 September 2016

HS022 - What are the differences between home and working lives? Do we 'split' ourselves in to different parts?

May 12 Diary

Today is a working day, but because it is spring at last, and because my daughter is getting married this summer, I pull on rough jeans and filthy coverall at 6:00 am, and find a fork, spade and bucket.  Gardening is the best way to start my day.

I clear weeds quickly and have time for a contemplative mug of tea before donning clean clothes, grabbing my hand bag, glasses and diary and jumping in the car for a 9:30 meeting at the OB.  Heather is organising a Fringe Festival, we discuss it - in the caf across the road as the OB isn't open yet.  Convenient that ESK, bristling with cheap gardening accessories, is next door and my next port of call.  I treat myself to lunch at the Love cafe, chat to acquaintances, feel the pleasure of the sun, then go home to teach.  Then more gardening, I am obsessed.  And finally a train to London, to my other life.

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