Tuesday 15 March 2016

Diaries, Postcards & Secrets

March 15th
Over a month since I wrote – despite best intentions. On the plus side, found a diary I’d been given in 2013 today. As I already had one that year, I decided to use it to record ‘one thing I learnt today.’ No entries are more than a few lines, but range from:  ‘only 10% of anything you buy in the IKEA market area ends up being worthwhile’ to  ‘your children always surprise you.’  There are also more formal entries made after doing a drawing class about learning to draw elipses, and a recipe for carrot cake downloaded from t’internet. Still, after having a good nose, the diary went back in the cupboard, though I’m not sure why I’m keeping it.

Rereading Frank Warren’s PostSecret, -  a book of secrets written on postcards – it’s very engaging, funny, lovely, sad and a generally great reminder of what creative and vulnerable people we all are. It’s inspired us to think about secrets – as they are the bread and butter of diary writing - and how we can find safe ways for people to share secret diary thoughts.

Lastly, trying to get to grips with Instagram. I am officially old. I had to look at FAQs and YouTube. Sad moment!

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